Location of Higgins Store

At the corner of NW edge of Courthouse Square

X marks the location of the former store.  

Higgins Store no longer exists.  It stood on the north side, toward the west end of Courthouse Square, approximately where the driveway for the condos is located.  This store was a general store, operated by John and Dora Higgins.  The Higgins were ardent Unionists. They lived off Middle Lane [click here for more on Higgins House]. John was among the local men that hide in the vestry of Christ Episcopal Church when JEB Stuart's troopers came to town.  Dora defended the store from pilaging, appealing to General Stuart, personally, for protection of their private property.  He gave her, his assurance that her store would not be harmed, or any soldier misbehaving this way would answer to him.  When subsequently challenged by soldiers to open her store, she refused and related the general's direction.  Either this or her dogged refusal and bodily blocking of the store entrance worked and the soldiers left the store alone [click here for more on this story].  Undoubtedly, the capture of generous quantities of Union supplies, in the ambushed wagon train, also helped by preoccupying the soldiers throughout the afternoon.


© 2006, Peerless Rockville, Historic Preservation Ltd.